Antonio Breschi - Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia

Antonio Breschi or Anthony O'Breskey

Otranto la Porta d'Oriente   Otranto the Door of East   Otranto   Otranto   Guide de Voyage de la Ville d'Otrante

Antonio Breschi, (born July, 1950) is a composer and pianist who comes from the small village of San Quirico in Collina near Florence, Italy. Although very accomplished in classical music, he is best known as one of the originators of New Age or World Music. He is also internationally-known as the inventor of Celtic piano playing. He divides his time living and recording both in Ireland and Italy. He also calls himself Antoni O'Breskey, to reflect his love for Ireland.

On April 6, 2005, Ireland celebrated his thirty years of work at the National Concert Hall in Dublin, where he was joined by Ronnie Drew, Barney McKenna, and John Sheehan of The Dubliners. He was also joined by flamenco guitarist Juan Martin, accordianist Mairtin O'Connor, and Joe McHugh.

Antoni O' in concert, Florence
Antoni O' in concert, Florence

His latest project is called Ethnic Piano, and is a compilation of many of his works and is published on 14 compact discs.


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